Straight Octagon barrels..............7/8", 15/16", 1"
Drilled ramrod hole .......................................3/8"
Barrel Channel Length....................................42"
Butt width x height……......................5-1/4” x 2”
Lock area ………...............................1-1/4” x 7 ”
Width across the lock face….....................1-9/16”
Drop at the heel ………...............................3-1/4”
Trigger Pulls up to 14-1/2”
Swamped Octagon Barrel channel 38"-42"-44" A-B-C weight
Octagon to Round barrel channel 44" 20-gauge
Lock inlet - Chambers Colonial Virginia lock
Trigger inlet - Double set triggers only
31100 CM2 Grade Curly Maple
31110 CM3 Grade Curly Maple
31115 CM4 Grade Curly Maple
31130 Walnut
30820 Inlet Lock Chambers Colonial Virginia
30830 Inlet Trigger (Double set triggers only)
15975 Inlet Swampled Barrel
40025 Chambers Colonial Virginia Flintlock
14870 Davis Small Set trigger
19380 .50 x 7/8 " x 42 " Green Mountain Barrel
16080 Flared Tang Breech Plug 5/8-18
21180 1/4-28 Stainless Slot Head Touchhole Liner
19630 2 ea. 3/8" Oval Head 8-32 Lock Screw
16450 1 ea, Tang Screw 8-32
27661 3 ea. Underlugs for Pins
16395 1 Pkg of 10 Oval Head #5 Wood Screws
16400 1 Pkg of 10 Oval Head #8 Wood Screws
25450 1 Pkg German Silver Nails for Inlay
PINSTOCK 1 Pkg of 5 Pieces Pin Stock 1/16"o.d.
16795 3/8" Ram Rod w/ 8-32 Brass Tip