Golden Age of the Lancaster School
The very essence of the Golden Age was the rifles from Lancaster during this period. From 1790 to 1820 the rifles being produced from Lancaster smiths were outstanding examples of workmanship. Their carving and engraving was spectacular, their inlay work some of the best to be seen. All would soon be gone as the times changed and the art left the scene and this tremendous artwork sadly disappeared, replaced by more inlay work in its stead.
Makers in the Lancaster School included (to mention only a few): The Albreghts, J. Brooks, J. Haga, J. Sees, J Hoak, and Jacob Dickert (1740-1822) mentioned here because his life span crossed from the Early style Lancaster's right into the Golden Age. He had more recorded completed rifles than all other makers.
Features of these rifles were a slimmer buttstock and more arched buttplate. Double triggers were often seen and locks were Germanic in style. Forestocks were slim with inlays under barrel keys designed in an artful design complimentary to the design of the stock. Carving consisted of C-scrolls, and the beavertail at the lock panel was often seen. The classic daisy headed patchbox was a feature common to Lancaster rifles and this was often found on rifles of other schools as an influenced apprentice left out on his own and took his training with him.